.Net application development specialists
asp.net, c#, vb.net, html, javascript, jquery, html, xhtml, css, oop, design patterns, sql server, mvc and much more
contact: admin@paxium.co.uk

Paxium is the company owned by myself, Dave Amour and used for providing IT contract development services including

  • Application development - Desktop, Web, Services - with Classic ASP, Asp.net WebForms, Asp.net MVC, Asp.net Core
  • Html, Css, JavaScript, jQuery, React, C#, SQL Server, Ado.net, Entity Framework, NHibernate, TDD, WebApi, GIT, IIS
  • Database schema design, implementation & ETL activities
  • Website design and hosting including email hosting
  • Training - typically one to one sessions
  • Reverse Engineering and documentation of undocumented systems
  • Code Reviews
  • Performance Tuning
  • Located in Cannock, Staffordshire
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Data Access With Ado.net

SQL Statement to populate a counties table

XML Encode in C#


Naming Conventions

Events and Delegates

Access Modifiers

Filtering a DataTable with the DataView

Global Assembly Cache

Moving & Copying Data with SQL (Insert, Select Into)

Asp.net Validators

XSLT following-sibling

Structs in C#

SQLDataSource in asp.net

Sending Email with C#

The methods of System.IO.Path

Threading - ThreadStart versus ParameterizedThreadStart

Serialization of objects as XML or Binary Data

ComboBox Text and Numeric Values

Dispose and IDisposable in .net classes

Using RAISERROR in SQL Server

Immutable classes in C# - String and Delegate

Sealed Classes and Extension Methods


Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#

SQL Joins in SQL Server

UML Class Diagrams Reference

Collection Classes in .net

Collection Classes in .net - the ArrayList

Collection Classes in .net - the Generic List

Collection Classes in .net - the HashTable

Collection Classes in .net - the Dictionary & SortedDictionary

Collection Classes in .net - the Stack

Collection Classes in .net - the Queue

Collection Classes in .net - the LinkedList

Collection Classes in .net - the StringCollection

Collection Classes in .net - the SortedList

Collection Classes in .net - the StringDictionary

Collection Classes in .net - the ListDictionary

Anonymous Methods & Lamda Expressions in C#

Selecting And Working With A Row From A GridView

Lambda expressions in C#

Operator Overloading in C#

Everything you wanted to know about Web.Config

How to deobsfucate Javascript

How to TroubleShoot Long Running SQL Server Queries

Constructors in C# And Vb.net

Performing Selective Includes in Entity Framework with the Fluent API

How to decode the Model column of the MigrationHistory table in EF Migrations

T4MVC Generates T4MVC1.cs File and Fails

Finding JavaScript Events Using FireFox

Different Types of joins in SQL Server

Lag and Lead in SQL

Prevent Browser From Caching Anything When Using Visual Studio

MVC Versions and Version History - Which version am I using

How To Set Debian Screen Resolution When Using Hyper-V

Just For Fun - Some Sample VR Experiences

How To Make The chatGPT output area wider