Collection Classes in .net - the SortedList
This is the tenth part of an article on collection classes in .net with C#. This part covers the SortedList.
For the first part see
For the next part on the StringDictionary see
There are two versions of this class. The original one and the newer generic version.
These are both found at:
The SortedList keeps the items sorted in order of the key. It contains a collection of DictionaryEntry objects which have a key and a value;
Items in the SortedList are accessible by the key or by index as follows:
The output from this program looks like this.
The generic version looks a bit different buy yields the same output:
So you can see that there are a few differences between the generic and non generic version. The non generic version is a collection of DictionaryEntry objects but the generic version is a collection of KeyValuePair<T, T> objects.
Both allow item retrieval by key or index.
Thats really all there is to the SortedList other than a note on sorting:
The elements of a SortedList object are sorted by the keys either according to a specific IComparer implementation specified when the SortedList is created or according to the IComparable implementation provided by the keys themselves. In either case, a SortedList does not allow duplicate keys.
For the next part on the StringDictionary see